About two years ago I was making a minky quilt and I discovered the walking foot. I wish I had known about it sooner! It makes sewing with slippery, stretchy fabrics so much easier and makes quilting lines much sharper. I had no idea what a walking foot even was or how to use one until two years ago, but it changed my sewing ability drastically, so I thought I would share so info about getting it set up and using your walking foot.

Why a walking foot is useful

A walking foot lifts up and helps move the fabric along while sewing. While this isn’t necessary for a stiff fabric, or only one or two layers, it can be invaluable when you have a stretchy fabric or lots of layers (like quilting). It prevents the pressor foot from pressing down and stretching or moving your fabric. It also keeps pulling the top layer along with the bottom so they stay where they are pinned and don’t move like they would with a traditional presser foot. Once attached, it is easy to use, as you just sew like usual.

How to Install

A walking foot is a bit more complicated to put on than your typically presser foot. This is because you have to remove the whole shank, not just the foot. Once you get the hang of it, it is easy, it only takes a few minutes.

First, remove the previous presser foot and the shank. You will need to use a small screwdriver to loosen the screw that holds the shank on.

Next, slide the walking foot into place. To do this, you will need to put the foot clamp in the screw that was holding the shank, and the presser foot lever will go around the needle bar.

Tighten the screw as tight as it will go. Make sure that when you sew the presser foot lever is moving up and down with the needle, as this is what allows the foot to “walk”. If it is moving, you’ve done it correctly and you are good to start your project!

How to use a walking foot

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