This apron is so fun! I made this with two different matching fabrics. This tutorial includes a free pattern for the apron. All seam allowances are 1/4 inch unless otherwise specified.


  • 1 yard main fabric (main apron body and facing)
  • 2/3 yard coordinating fabric (ruffle, tie and pocket)
  • Matching thread

Cutting your fabric

Line up your fabric and cut it as shown below. This pattern only includes the apron body, as the rest of the pieces are just rectangles. (Ruffle: 4″x width of fabric; Tie: 2 3/4″ x width of fabric (2); Pocket: 9″ x 31 1/2″; Facing 2 3/4″ x 17″ (2))

Main Fabric
Contrasting Fabric

Sewing the Apron pocket

Hem the top edge of the pocket by turning under the top 1/2 an inch, then another 1/2 inch. Sew. Now place the pocket onto apron body, right sides together, with the hemmed edge one inch above the bottom of the apron body. The unhemmed edge should be 9 inches from the bottom. Sew across.


Hem the top edge of the ruffle by turning under the top 1/2 an inch, than another 1/2 inch. Sew. Next we will be gathering the ruffle. Baste the unfinished edge at 1/8″ and 3/4″ from edge. Gather the ruffle, leave the first inch on each side un gathered since this will be the part that is hemmed. Once you have the ruffle gathered to the width of the apron, sew to apron. Remove basted stitches. Zig zag along the raw edge and iron the seam up toward the top of the apron. Top stitch.

Apron ruffle with topstitching

Arm Facing

Turn under one long edge of arm facing 1/2 an inch. Zig zag along raw edge

Apron arm facing. One side is raw, the other is folded in and zig zag stitched

Sew the facing to the armhole edge. The facing will hang over the edges, so match up the centers and sew to insure there is an equal amount of overhang on each side.

Apron facing is being cut to sit evenly with apron

Trim to even.

Finish the sides of the apron by folding them in 1/2 ” and 1/2 again. Do this for both sides and the top.

sides of apron pinned in to be stitched/hemmed

Fold the facing over and iron. As you can see in the picture, since the facing is curved, you might have to fold a little bit of the apron body over.

Sew along the outside edge of the facing. This will make a small tube to place the tie through.


You will use your two 2 3/4″ x width of fabric rectangles to make your ties. Sew one short edge of the fabric together so it is a long strip. Fold in half lengthwise with right sides together. Iron and pin if needed. Sew with a 1/4 inch seam so it makes a tube. You will need to sew the bottom edges, but that means you need to leave part of the seam open so it can be turned. I left a space just off set from the middle open.

Long piece of fabric folded right side in

Trim the corners and turn the tube right side out. Make sure to push the corners so the edges are square. I used a small paintbrush to turn the tube right side out. Iron the tube flat, this can take awhile, but it is so worth it. Make sure to iron the open part of the seam with the raw edges folded in. Top stitch 1/8″ seam around the whole tie, make sure to catch the open part of the seam when you top stitch so it’s not noticeable.

Finishing Up

Sew up the pocket, you will need to sew two straight lines to make 3 even pockets. Draw two straight, vertical lines along the back of the apron, 9 inches away from each edge. Make sure the pocket is flat against the apron. Sew along your two lines.

Apron pocket with line sewn up

Your last step is to add your ties to the apron. You can safety pin the edge to help you get the tie through the apron tubes.

back of apron with ties pulled through the apron tube pockets

Enjoy your new apron!!

Apron Tutorial
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