If you have decided you’d like to learn to sew, but don’t know where to start, here is a great place! I have a Brother sewing machine, so that is the machine you will see, but most other sewing machines are set up similarly, so you should be able to follow along regardless of the type of machine you have. Lets get started!

First you need to put your thread on the spool pin, yours might sit vertically instead of horizontal like mine.

Thread on the spool of sewing machine
Make sure to put the spool cap on or your thread won’t stay on the spool pin

Next, pull the thread through the thread guide on the back of your sewing machine.

thread going through thread guide on sewing machine
thread through thread guides on sewing machine

Third, pull the thread through your thread guide on the front of the machine. This is the tricky part. You must pull the thread down through the right side, up the left and make sure that it hooks through the metal take up level lever and back down the left side. I put an arrow around the take up lever so it is visible. This is the part you have to make sure to hook

Thread going through front thread guides in sewing machine
The take up lever can be a little hard to see/catch the thread on

Fourth, pull your thread through the needle bar, this keeps the thread close to the needle as you are sewing and push the thread through the hole in the needle

thread going through sewing machine needle

Lastly, put the bobbin in and pull the thread up and then you will be ready to get sewing! This part might look very different if you have a different brand of sewing machine, some sewing machines require you to have a bobbin case and are accessed through the side of the machine, instead of the top like mine. Once you get the bobbin in the machine, hold onto the top thread and turn your handwheel once, this should pull the thread from the bobbin up onto the needle plate. Pull the thread so it is a few inches long and you are ready to start your project!

thread in sewing machine needle, and bobbin thread coming out sewing machine

Now that you have gotten your machine up, you are ready to start! If you need some ideas on what projects to work on, go over to my sewing tutorials page to find a project and get started!

How to Thread a Sewing Machine

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